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American Perspectives: Ning Que had it coming! "Ever Night" Ep. 45-48 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 3. 14. 05:25


He really did.  He was totally taking Sang Sang for granted.  Sang Sang has been there to support him since literally Day 1, and all it took to screw up the bond they had going  was for him to be distracted by the sparkly little trinket, Mo Shan Shan.

Because he spoke to Mo Shan Shan at length about Sang Sang, and her being his life, Mo Shan Shan should have really taken the hint.  Taken the hint that he was off limits, and that she needed to stop thinking of him in "that way." Same thing goes for First Senior Brother, as he planted the seed that Ning Que and Mo Shan Shan should get married as they went through all trials and tribulations together in the wilderness while failing to consider that Sang Sang has been through so much more with him.  Also, with that kind of logic, wouldn't it also be suggested that the Daoism Maniac and the Demon Saintess should be additional wives, as they were along for the ride, too?  That's where it was up to Ning Que to have a little common sense and question First Senior Brother's knowledge, as he's been known to question everyone else higher than him in the hierarchy. (In addition to saying all kinds of unflattering things to his teacher Fu Zi while drunk).

Ning Que is so distracted by Mo Shan Shan that he buys into the idea that he's going to marry her, and he has the audacity to bring her home before talking to Sang Sang beforehand.  I felt that if he had seen Sang Sang alone first, this was a problem that could have easily been nipped in the bud.  When he brings Mo Shan Shan home, he barely acknowledges Sang Sang, and takes her for granted.  He kind of treats her like she's less than him and his guests.  The same way that your best friend might treat you if they are in the presence of someone with a higher social standing.

So, when Sang Sang decided to leave Ning Que without telling him, my reaction was: Good For You!

He really needed to have that swift kick in the butt, to realize how much she really meant, and to rearrange the relationship dynamic.  Let's face it, a relationship coming from him being a dominant master, and her being the maidservant, doesn't really bode well.  So I like how, in a way, they are giving themselves a reboot.  In the later episodes, he also supports the idea of her developing her own ambition, which I plan on writing about tomorrow.

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