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American Perspectives: Having a Really Hard Time Caring "Our Blooming Youth" Ep. 10 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 3. 11. 05:47


...And I found myself rolling my eyes, a lot.  Episode 9 was decent, and gave me a false sense of hope in regards to this show.  Because if you've read the other entries I've written regarding "Our Blooming Youth," I haven't been too crazy about it, but I've been willing to give it a chance.  Episode 10? Not so much.  I'm just not crazy about 민재이. I find her too preachy, self righteous, and self centered.  It was like she was designed for the stereotypical American female Gen Z target market.  Like she's pandering to the left leaning "West is best" audience, instead of I don't know, using this as a great opportunity to teach about the beautiful and empowering sides of Korean culture, and not the stuff that's fed to the American Mainstream by the fiercely Anti-China (which can sometimes include South Korea) American media.  I'm not by any means saying that mistreating women is a good thing, I just don't need to be verbally reminded in every episode how life is so unfair for the spoiled and entitled 민재이. Because, let's be honest, her "friend," who in all actuality is her personal slave, 가람, is the one with the raw deal.  She's at a substantially higher risk of getting arrested, and she hasn't had the privilege of choice like 민재이  has.  The spoiled 민재이  whose parents allowed her and her personal slave to cross dress as men and go running around all over town solving crime.  The spoiled 민재이 who immediately got her own posh living quarters from the Crown Prince after a persuasive argument or two, instead of being in the Eunuchs quarters like everyone else.  The spoiled 민재이 who can run in and out of the palace as she pleases.  So, when she whines about how wronged she is, I just don't care.  I much prefer the format where we are shown the character being wronged, instead of being lectured at every given opportunity.  Trust me, I am very aware of the 조선 gender issues, and I'm much more interested in seeing those applied in cultural context, as a great learning opportunity.  And there are too many non-Koreans in the K-Pop and K-Drama fandoms who incorrectly assume that the 조선 gender issues span the entire 5000 years of Korean history.  It drives me crazy! For myself, I'm interested in seeing a show where the issues are applied within cultural context, and we get a back story as to why.  And for myself, I'm interested in seeing what kind of affect the cultural change from interaction with the US had/has on the South Korean population from multiple perspectives, instead of one that will be satisfying to Gen Z.  More likely than not, I am out of the age range for this show's target market! So, with this show, I'm going to say I'm done watching it.  I'm no longer interested in investing an hour of my time per episode.


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