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American Perspectives: Is the Demon Power Necessarily Bad? "Ever Night" Ep. 43 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 3. 9. 06:30


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As Ning Que is battling Xia Hou's right hand man (I can never remember his name, but I do love his hairstyle), we make some new discoveries.  Xia Hou's right hand man is not only a Talisman Master, but is also part of Xiling.  So, he has been after Ning Que with an obsessive intent to kill in order to preserve the light.  The irony is that he has been all about preserving the light by killing countless numbers of people, brutally.  In the United States, Christians have done similar to Native Americans, with similar justifications about having a virtuous, utopian, civilized society.  I mean, this guy was even wanting to kill Sang Sang when she was just a baby. There were plenty of white settlers in the US who had a similar attitude in regards to Native American children.  That doesn't sound like a virtuous and pure hearted thing to do.  Of course, he is taunting Ning Que for not being at his level of cultivation.  When do these characters learn that it's not a good idea to taunt Ning Que?  Long Qing lost his power specifically because he kept taunting Ning Que to this very point. Damn it, when will they learn?

And at this moment, this is when we see that Ning Que also has some demonic powers.  Were they from Lian Sheng (which on the surface, would be the obvious choice), or due to being Sang Sang's care taker, did he actually have them sooner?  Nonetheless, it is because of these demonic powers that he is able to defend himself from Xia Hou's extremely prejudiced right hand man.  Otherwise, if he didn't have them, he would have been toast. So, in this regard, I don't think his demonic ability is necessarily bad, and the Demon Saint Empress is actually one of the nicer characters on the show.  Whether these powers will hurt his standing as the 13th student remains to be seen!

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