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American Perspectives: A show with squandered potential-Princess Agents Ep. 25-26

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 2. 15. 06:27


Image obtained from Pinterest

I'm going to stop watching this show.  I don't think I can take 31 more episodes of this, and I really, really tried.  I gave the benefit of the doubt, I figured it was like Breaking Bad with a slowly developing plot, as "Princess Agents" is 58 episodes long.  The wrong stuff is dragged out (such as Yan Xun's fight scene, and then his mother's play by play re-capping monologue over every dead family member's head.  Realistically, Yan Xun should have been dead after all the injuries from this fight scene, and his mother pushing him down the stairs with him hitting his head on someone's armour should have essentially guaranteed his death.  Unless, of course, if we find out he's the bionic man, which I highly, highly doubt).  With all the unnecessary that was dragged out, that could have instead been applied to character development.

A character that should have been developed, and definitely had a ton of potential, but was killed off early on.  I was also unclear if she was being used as a pawn by Yuwen Yue.

I don't feel the characters were developed at all.  I was unclear as to what evidence the Emperor had that Yan Xun's father was out to get him.  Or at the very least, be a little bit more clear that this was simply a plot to obtain additional territory. It just seemed like these accusations were something that fell right out of the sky.  

Or, if we want to talk about development, when the rapist Yuwen Xi died, that whole scene was anti-climatic, and it had a ton of potential!  His character, however, and the dynamics between him and Chu Qiao weren't developed enough for me to give a damn.

Another thing that bothered me: glaring historical inaccuracy on wardrobe.  I know it's a minor thing, but when it's obvious, it really bugs me.

When Yuwen Yue tells Princess Chun that she and him were the closest to Yan Xun, my reaction was: "Wait, what?" She may have been pursuing him, and constantly all over his business, but I saw absolutely nothing from him indicating that it was reciprocated, or even indicating that they had any sort of close friendship.  Not much time prior was spent showing the viewer where that came from.  It seemed like it was simply written in, so therefore that must be the truth.  

I felt the Noble Consort was the only rational character in a sea of at best superficially rational, at worst completely irrational people.

I really wish they had done more to develop the brotherhood we saw among the teenage/early 20's noblemen we saw in the beginning.  When they started splitting off in their own political directions, I didn't feel compelled to care, whereas in 나의 나라 when 휘 and 선호 were going in two opposite directions, that hurt my heart, and that show was substantially shorter than "Princess Agents," which shows yes, you can get your point across in fewer episodes.  I really, really wanted to care.

I feel that unlimited potential with Chu Qiao was completely wasted.  So much more could have been done with her, and they devolved into formulaic empowered woman paint by numbers default mode.  It seriously put me to sleep.  She had such a great start, too!  I also felt her character was extremely lacking in personality.  If they needed a model for a strong woman with fierce personality, all they needed to do was watch 기황후 from start to finish.  There, problem solved. (Which is why it's laughable when I saw so many people online writing about how Chu Qiao is the first empowered woman in Asian historical drama.  Clearly, they have not watched 시황후, or any 사극 made prior to 2015).

Lastly, what really turned me off: Yan Xun chopping off his pinky.  Because, you know, he already miraculously survived multiple stab wounds, multiple arrow wounds, two concussions, but hey, let's have him amputate his pinky.  That was completely pointless.  And, myself being a former Kendoka, what stood out to me was that he chopped off his left pinky. I'm aware Chinese sword play is different from Japanese swordplay, but in kendo, you guide and control the sword with your left hand, most control coming from the pinky.  Ultimate way to disable a samurai? Slice off his left pinky.  Yet, he said that because it was on his left hand, he could still use his sword.  Not too sure about that, but ok.

So, instead, I'm going to go with my original plan and watch "Our Blooming Youth," and "Ever Night" on alternating nights.  I had really high hopes for "Princess Agents," too.  Now I'm feeling a little cautious about "Ever Night," as it has two seasons and over 60 episodes each.  I'm hoping they don't drag anything out unneccesarily.  I remember sitting through the entire following dramas, in hopes they would get better, but didn't: 광개토, 대조영, 주몽. All of those could have been at least 30 episodes shorter.  Lesson learned: If I feel I can't take another episode, or it puts me to sleep, time to cut it loose!

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사극 Paradise-Sageuk Paradise

Historical K-Drama Anime Fan Art



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