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An Homage to my beloved 탈탈

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 1. 27. 09:47


I'm sure some of you are thinking: "Enough with the 기황후 stuff!  That drama is 9 years old! Get with the program!"  And I get it.  I actually didn't watch this show until either 2021 or 2022.  (I don't remember the specific year, but I've watched this show many times since). I didn't actually start watching K-Dramas until 2018 or 2019.  So, yeah, you could say I'm still a relative newbie.


So, in spite of this show being controversial when it came out, I have an overabundance of enthusiasm for it. You have strong female characters all around, and you have more than enough hot guys, which is plenty enough motivation for me to watch the entire 51 episodes.  And this lady did not fast forward through a single one.  Every episode was riveting.  It also helped having at least one hot guy in every frame, ha ha ha!


And, surprise, surprise; one of my favorite characters just so happens to be 탈탈, played by the devastatingly gorgeous and highly underrated 진이한 who is my ultimate K-Drama bias.  Not many actors can look good with the 탈탈 hair, and 진이한 makes it look totally sexy. Sorry, I'm getting a little carried away here.  It would be totally awesome if he happened to come across this, though (or it could be really, really awkward.  Nonetheless...). I really appreciate how rational his character is, and how he is 기황후's unspoken best friend.  He is able to guide her through Mongol inner court life (or what is really a hybrid of Mongol and Han Chinese inner court life), which is completely alien to her.  I appreciate that he is genuinely intelligent.  Not mansplain intelligent, but full on, well informed intelligent.  There are a few books that I actually have read due to him making reference to them on this show.

In the 기황후 fandom on facebook, a common question is "Team 왕유 or Team Toghon?" My answer is: "Neither.  I'm Team 탈탈!" 

Additionally, he has a very sexy voice, which most certainly adds to his charm!  I really hope he does more 사극 very, very soon.  I miss him!

탈탈 fan art prints can be found here: https://www.sageukparadise.com/sageuk.../p/empresskifanart


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