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American Perspectives: Ming Zhu's Betrayal (Twisted Fate of Love" Ep. 4-5)

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2024. 9. 18. 03:30


Ming Zhu is sleeping in Dong Yue's bed, while Dong Yue is sleeping on the floor.  Dong Yue see Ming Zhu is putting on more ointment, and asks if her wounds still hurt.  MIng Zhu says they don't hurt anymore, and she expresses gratitude to Dong Yue for saving her life.  She the proceeds to say, if she unknowingly makes a mistake, to please forgive her.  

This immediately does not sit well with Dong Yue.  She asks for clarification.  Ming Zhu realizes she may have revealed too much, so she quickly covers her tracks by saying she may make mistakes because she's stupid and clumsy.

Dong Yue tells her not to think too much about it, and goes to sleep.

The next day, Ming Zhu has to deal with harrassment from the other historians over her gender and the distinctive red scar on the side of her face.  One makes the comment that she turned out to be such an eye sore.  Dong Yue intervenes and says that she looks great, and if they are envious, get a servant of their own.  She takes Ming Zhu back to her room, and tells her not to listen to them.  She then proceeds to give the unwanted dress from Feng Xi to Ming Zhu as a gift, and offers to buy her some make up. 

Li Chuan, Ming Zhu, and Dong Yue go into town on a shopping trip, and Feng Xi and Dao Le happen to see them. Feng Xi notices Ming Zhu is wearing the unwanted gift, and Dao Le instructs them to wait.  Feng Xi quickly approaches Dong Yue with a glare that could cut through glass.  Dong Yue stares back at him defiantly.  She has no time for teenage boy level games.  His unwanted present was creepy, it was compromising (since few people know she is a woman, and that knowledge could get her in deep trouble), and she's not going to let him intimidate her.  To be even creepier, he asks Ming Zhu to come to Feng Manor and be part of his household.  Dong Yue is not having it.  She does not like watching other women get harrassed or propositioned.  She protectively steps in front of Ming Zhu, and she does not allow it.  He insists Dong Yue can't give Ming Zhu a bright future, and because of her lower status, she can't bargain with him.  Whatever he says, goes.  Dong Yue counters that Ming Zhu is free to do as she pleases.  Feng Xi asks Dong Yue if she's willing to risk her post at Taishi Bureau.  Ming Zhu quickly agrees to go with Feng Xi to prevent the tensions from escalating.  MIng Zhu leaves with Feng Xi in his carriage.  Lu Chuan is excited to write about it in his gossip book.  Dong Yue is astounded at his insensitivity, rips the book out of his hands, and throws it on the ground.

Meanwhile, at the Feng Manor, he requests that Ming Zhu remove the unwanted Hanfu, intended for Dong Yue.  After she disrobes down to her undergarments, he takes it from her, and sets it on fire.  He is pissed that his creepy gift was spurned.  Fortunately, he has no interest in doing anything to Ming Zhu.  His concubine comes in, and she and Ming Zhu leave together.

Dong Yue and Lu Chuan are at Taishi Bureau, disagreeing over Ming Zhu's choice when they are approached by some guards who are asking for Dong Yue.  They tell her that Dali Temple wants to interrogate her.  Rumors had gotten out about the ritual performed by the Duke of An and Feng Xi where they had to go shirtless, so an investigation is to occur.  She is taken away, and she is questioned about her actions at Duke An's mansion.  She tells them to go over there and verify the actions that were taken.

Lu Chuan immediately goes to Feng Xi for help.  After much convincing, Feng Xi agrees to go to Dali temple and intervene.  He says, "Tell Dong Yue, as long as she bows her head, I will keep her safe."

The men of Dali Temple proceed to go to An Manor to investigate.  They begin to dig under the plants that were bleeding.  According to Ming Zhu, they were bleeding because her brother Xiaosi was buried there.  They don't find a body.  Instead, they find a prophetic testament carved on wood, shrouded in cloth.  It states: "Drought lasts for three months.  Qiyuan Hotches.  The plants die, and the court is deeply worried."

Feng Xi suggests it means that Duke An wants to rebel.  The leader from Dali Temple agrees to arrest Duke An.  Feng Xi supports this (as he is trying to unseat him so he can gain more power), but says the Duke can't be tortured just yet.

Dong Yue is imprisoned and waiting for something to happen.  She is sure Feng Xi will get her out.  Feng Xi comes to visit.  He informs her that Duke An is being arrested.  He tells her that if she agrees to be his concubine, he'll get her out.  She does not accept the offer.

MIng Zhu and her (not dead) brother Xiaosi are seen conversing with Dao Le.  She asks Dao Le to have mercy on Dong Yue, as Dong Yue is a good person.  He promises that Feng Xi won't hurt her.  She feels regret for lying to Dong Yue.

Feng Xi continues to pester Dong Yue about working for him, about how that's her ticket out of prison.  She still refuses, and she finds out he was the one who started the rumors about the ritual at Duke An's in the first place.

At the interrogation, Dong Yue is pressured to confess to burying the prophetic testament.  Dong Yue refuses.  She insists she has a witness.  Ming Zhu comes running in, asking the officials to be merciful.  They tell her to kneel.  Dong Yue tells her to clarify the incident at An Manor, that her brother had been killed.  Instead, Ming Zhu states that her brother is alive and well.  She then states Dong Yue had her bury the prophetic testament under the bush. Dong Yue is furious, as that was not what had happened.  This young woman whom she expended so much effort on helping is a pawn for Feng Xi.   Furious that Feng Xi will only help if he gets something from her. And she is furious that she's being placed in the middle of a political battle she didn't ask to fight. 

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