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Further Progress on the "Butterfly Fairy"

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2024. 9. 11. 06:17


The 저고리 portion of the "Butterfly Fairy" is complete.  Next up is the coordinating 치마, which will be sold together with the 저고리.  Yesterday, a blog was written about the begining progress with "Butterfly Fairy." Today, we'll talk a little bit about the finished 저고리, and the finished top part of the 치마.

These are the ties for the 저고리 and 치마.   The Floral polyester ties are the outer ties for the 저고리, the magenta ties are the inner ties for the 치마. They look gorgeous together, and generally when it comes to the ties for the 치마, an effort is made to have them match the top part.

Here,  the top part of the 치마 pinned.  As mentioned in yesterday's blog, the top part of the 치마 is made a little bit differently at "The Flower Realm by 사극 Paradise."  It's basically a sleeveless 저고리 without a 깃 that's sewn on to the 치마, and tied shut at the front from both the inside and outside.

저고리 front being pinned at the shoulders of the back.

저고리 draped on mannequin, making a decision if the sides should be split or sewn together...

Back view of unfinished 저고리.  

Further progress, decided to have slits on the sides, that way it can contast nicely with the 치마.

Side slit, as shown. There is a slight black streak on the fabric, but that should be easy to wash out.

저고리 back.

Top part of 치마 completed, just need to pleat and attach the skirt, then add the ties.

Getting ready to hem the side slits.

Sewing the 깃 to the inside.  Most handsew it, at "The Flower Realm by 사극 Paradise," it is machine sewn, one side at a time so that both sides are firmly in place, no gaps.

Sewing the 깃 to the outside, also done by machine instead of by hand. This 깃 is lined with four layers total of interfacing, as the interfacing found was a little bit lighter than anticipated, couldn't be returned, therefore, double layering was used to get the same ideal structure on the 깃. Earlier designs from "The Flower Realm by 사극 Paradise" don't have as solid of a structure on the 깃, but after seeing how much better it looked with interfacing, it is a must for the more recent 한복 designs and beyond.

Getting closer to finishing!

Adding the sleeves!

Here are the sleeves!

Sewing in the ties!

저고리 complete, time to finish the 치마!

That's it for today, and I hope you enjoyed the pictorial journey through the crafting process at "The Flower Realm by 사극 Paradise."  Come back to this page later today to read more reactions to "The Wolf."


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