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American Perspectives: The Korean Empress Promotes her Son against his Father

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by 사극 Paradise 2023. 7. 7. 02:13


Artwork by Danu I

"Toghon Temur had more than one empress, the first humble and self effacing, the other proud and ambitious.** The first, Bayan Khuduq was a Mongol, became empress in 1337...She was 'frugal, unjealous, and thoroughly observant of ritual and regulation,' says the History of the Yuan, neatly opposing her to the second (기황후) who was a favorite from at least 1334, the Korean Lady Ki, otherwise known as Empress Oljei Khuduq...the mother of the heir apparent Ayushiridara, she came from a poor family and began her palace life as maid to the emperor, catching his attention then...She appears to have been an ambitious woman who tried to make up for a poorly performing emperor...She involved herelf in political and military affairs, even scheming with her son to force the Emperor to abdicate.  But she failed to gain the support of key court officials, and her plan was exposed.  Far from dismissing her or worse, the Emperor merely stopped visiting her for two months." -Keith McMahon "Celestial Women."


기황후 artwork by The Bluedevil

The passage about 기황후 was why I decided to get this book to begin with.  There are several errors in that the author does not acknowledge Empress Danashiri, and in some places confuses her with Empress Bayan.  Such as the issue of 기황후 being whipped, and only having one son who died.

"Empress Danashiri," artwork by The Bluedevil

I feel that 기황후 was so ambitious because living out the remainder of her life as a palace maid in a foreign dynasty that looks down on her culture probably didn't sound too appealing. So, if she had the ability and the personality to hustle and go higher, she may as well.

"Empress Bayan," artwork by The Bluedevil

Did she make choices that didn't benefit 고려 politically? Absolutely.  However, I don't think it's fair to expect her to be a self sacrificing martyr when she was at a lower rank in the 고려 dynasty, and sent away as a tribute.  She didn't exactly have the option to return.  As a result, she probably had to compromise A LOT, just as any man in a high political position would have to do.  I wouldn't be surprised if one of those compromises involved her having to prove her loyalty countless times to the Yuan Dynasty, and that she wasn't trying to slip anything in that would undermine Yuan.  고려 was after all, subservient to Yuan.  Historically, Chinggis/Genghis Khan's daughters had married Princes of newly conquered nations for the purpose of acclimating them to the Mongol Empire, and cementing political ties.  That often involved these princes being sent to war in high risk military positions so that they would be quickly disposed of and out of the way, and the new countries could transition smoothly.  So, if there were any concerns about 기황후 being empress due to this little bit of history, it's completely understandable.  And the feeling of betrayal from the 고려 people is also very understandable.  Her being in such a high position of authority presented a major opportunity, but with an Empire that powerful, a transition of power wasn't going to occur without some major bloodshed.  And because I'm sure 기황후 had no desire to die for either country, she did all the hustling she could to survive, including pissing off her husband by attempting to have her son replace him.


**He does not mention Empress Danashiri, who in reality was the first Empress, Bayan the second, and 기황후  the third.  So, in fact, as we all know, Toghon Temur had three empresses.

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