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American Perspectives: "Ambitious People with Greed Cannot be trusted" 동이 Ep 16-18

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 5. 15. 14:18


A dividing line between 동이 and Lady 장 is beginning to appear. Like 동이, I really don't want Lady 장 to be behind the Queen Dowager's illness, but in Episode 17, she and her mother acknowledge her plan.  I know this is really going to go sideways.  I also just did some google research on the real life 동이, and yes, it's going to go sideways.  Damn it!  I really liked Lady 장.  Plus, I think she's gorgeous.  Not that it makes her a great person, but still!

So, I am very interested in seeing how this will play out in the drama.  Will Lady 장 begin to treat 동이 in a very cruel manner, or will they be able to get along in spite of the issues?  Or will they get along because: politics?

I initially began writing this in response to Ep. 16-17, but I just couldn't publish it.  It felt really lopsided.  So, I watched Ep. 18.  The relationship between Lady 장 and 동이  is in a really difficult spot.  They both care about each other, but their political interests are beginning to go their separate ways.

Lady 장 is covering for her brother, and wants 동이 to cover it all up.  동이 is all about keeping her integrity intact, and doing her job as intended to be done.  This is putting 동이 on very thin ice, and I'm not sure if she's aware of it, or in strong denial.

Episode 18 ends with Doctor 허 saying it was the Queen's orders.  Was this intended to be used as a warning to 동이, and a punishment to the Queen for getting in Lady 장's way? I did just recently watch Episodes 19 and 20, and they are really dragging it out.  When there was a similar situation in 기황후, the writers did a much better job at keeping it intriguing.  Here, we're just going around and around in circles.  I feel like shouting: "Get to the point!"  And I apologize, 기황후 has become my gold standard when watching 사극. So everything since that show has had to contend with 기황후 being used as the base line.

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