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카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 5. 10. 11:24


Here are some fun pictures from my afternoon walk in 와이키키! It’s my

last full day here! It’s 3:57 PM 하와이 time, 7:57 PM ABQ time. Operation Honolulu 한복 hustle was a success in the sense that I developed self confidence in handing out my cards every time I got a compliment, and I plan on making it a habit of doing so at home. I did not get any orders, so my next item to work on is an effective sales pitch. I do not believe in mindlessly making things that will sell. That’s how we get millions of carbon copies of the same damn thing, contributing to the issue of mindless mass conformity. (And disgusting, cringe inducing buzz words that turn into trendy cliches). Nope! I’m all about getting people to think, and to have fun in trying something slightly new. Obviously, my clothes are not a new idea, but using Hawaiian print is definitely different and exciting!

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