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American Perspectives: The Childhood Backstory is a little long. "동이" Ep 1-4 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 4. 27. 21:59


I started watching 동이 about three days ago, and I'm aware it's going to be good.  In fact, I'm aware that it's one of the classics, which is why I decided to watch it.  Some of the current fusion 사극 have been getting a little tiring for me.  

I don't really have anything insightful to write about Episodes 1-4.  What I will say is that the childhoo backstory is way too long.

기황후 nailed the timing on the childhood backstory by containing it to 1/2 of one episode.  That's the way it should be done.  With 동이, the childhood backstory would have been best if left at two episodes, maximum.  Which makes me wonder if the child actress in question had some sort of stipulation in her contract that she needed to have a minimum number of episodes?  Otherwise, I really see no reason in dragging out the childhood backstory.  At Episode 3, it was starting to put me to sleep.

Not only that, 동이 as a child and her friends are extremely off putting.  They shout, scream, and cry way too much.  It was beginning to give me a headache.  I'm having a hard time liking her and her friend, and I'm eagerly waiting for them to mature.  Otherwise, the childhood backstory is dragging, and going around in circles.  Please, get to the point!

I have since watched Episode 5 where we finally transition to the teen years, and I'm finding 동이 more likeable here.  With that said, I'm looking forward to watching Episode 6!

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