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American Perspectives: I don't think Ruoxi instigated anything! "Scarlet Heart" C-Drama Ep 31-32 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 4. 24. 22:11


9th Prince, Ming Hui, you two can be real assholes.  You really outdid yourselves this time.

9th Prince, you are an asshole for grooming a vulnerable young woman who adored you.  You groomed this young woman named Yu Tan into being a spy for you.  You taught her how to complete the classic prisoner manipulating the prison guard maneuver by teaching her how to become a trusted friend/sworn sister to Ruoxi.  You taught her to make Ruoxi so comfortable, and to get Ruoxi to believe that she cared about her, and then when Ruoxi was vulnerable enough to talk, BAM! Secrets reported back to 9th.  As I said, classic Prison move.  I worked in a  drug rehab center many years ago where we had clients who should have been in prison, but were rich enough to buy their way out, oops I mean, rich enough to hire a high powered attorney to plea bargain their way out.  And just like in Prison/rehab, the prison guard/rehab tech just cannot believe that the prisoner/client wasn't really their trusted friend because the act was put on so well.  Same with here with Ruoxi and Yu Tan.  In the bitter end, instead of seeing the ugly truth for what it is, Ruoxi will see the Emperor as a monster.  With a ton of sarcasm, I say: "Bravo."  And then, being the dick that you are, you just don't know when to quit.  You really don't know how to get over yourself, to get over the idea that in the battle for the throne, there can only be one winner, and it isn't you. 8th Prince even told you to back down, and if you had, maybe there would have been a good opportunity for you in the future, but no...you just can't handle it.  So what do you do? You go behind 8th Prince's back and talk to Ming Hui.

Ming Hui, Ming Hui, Ming Hui.  Seriously? I thought you had so much more class than that.  I was really rooting for you, and then you blew it.  You just had to repeat the malicious things 9th Prince said to you about Ruoxi, instead of being logical and thinking for yourself.  You had to believe that Ruoxi was the one who started it all because she was the one who told 8th Prince to be careful of the 4th Prince.  You just couldn't leave the he-said, she-said alone, could you?  You just had to repeat it.  Had to accuse Ruoxi of being the instigator behind all of this.

Guess What? She wasn't.  8th decided on his own to go against 4th.  He decided on his own to work together with 4th to protect Ruoxi from getting married to the Crown Prince, and then use the work 4th prince had put in against him.  13th decided on his own to take the punishment on behalf of 4th.  But because Ruoxi believed she was the inadvertant instigator, she had a miscarriage, which royally devastated/pissed off the Emperor/4th Prince.  That in itself set forth another highly destructive chain of events.  Because hey, in the tradition of "Fatal Attraction," if 9th Prince can't get what he wants, then no one can.  And 9th Prince is the reason why the Emperor's siblings and all their associates can't have nice things.  Nice going, 9th Prince.

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