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American Perspectives: "Scarlet Heart" C-Drama Version Ep. 6-11 Response

카테고리 없음

by 사극 Paradise 2023. 4. 14. 01:54


Wow!  I really enjoy this show, and I'm totally falling in love with the 4th Prince.  The wardrobe, hair, and set decoration alone is enough to keep me watching.  I enjoy seeing what everyone is going to wear next. 

I am also impatiently waiting for the 8th prince to get out of the way, and for something to develop between the 4th Prince and Ruoxi.  Besides, I liked 4th Prince's flower necklace much better than the 8th Prince's sappy poem!  I just find the 4th Prince much more intriguing, and dare I say it? Exciting!

An additional new and exciting character was added to the mix: Princess Minmin of the Mongols! She is adorable, happy, and I love her clothes.  And because I have a passion for Mongol History (thanks to 기황후), I am thrilled to pieces to see Mongol characters on this show.

I have a feeling that the shady actions of the 8th and 14th Princes will get Ruoxi implicated by the Emperor.  I seriously wish she would distance herself from them.  The more she involves herself with them, the worse it will be for her in the future.  I'm just itching for her to get closer to the 4th Prince. I am aware that will happen eventually, I'm just ready for it to happen now!

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